Substantially Crafted Thesis Discussion Essay Assignment Paper

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Substantially Crafted Thesis Discussion Essay Assignment Paper

ORDER NOW FOR AN ORIGINAL PAPER ASSIGNMENT: Substantially Crafted Thesis Discussion

Question Description

you’ll have to make changes from the rough draft. because the professor wants to see that were was a change that was made between the two. try and keep this essay about the same length.

ill also be providing the grading rubric.

Essay #4: Grading Rubric Sheet

Criteria: Points:

In the introduction, engage us with the “larger conversation”/ “heart of the matter.” Present your purpose (what you are setting out to do) and why. Don’t forget to include relevant context for your particular field of choice.
Establish a clear, substantially crafted thesis that covers the major points you will discuss and analyze in your essay. It should reflect the structure of your paper and the “5 Qualities of a Strong Thesis.” Your assertive voice should emerge in your thesis. You are welcome to acknowledge a counterargument within your argument, but this is not required.
Craft clear, substantially crafted topic sentences (your claims) for each body paragraph. Your topic sentences should vary; for example, in each body paragraph, you might address the history of an issue within your field, factors that contribute to the problem, testimonies, counterarguments, progress that has been made, etc.
Effectively use evidence—direct quotations and paraphrasing–to support your main argument. Adequately introduce and correctly cite a range of evidence types (testimonies, factual data, historical anecdotes, expert opinions, etc.)
Analysis: synthesize ideas, draw conclusions, and present original insights. Respond to the prompt question, demonstrating that you have thoroughly researched this topic and thought critically about an ethical issue and/or innovative trend, as well as solutions/consequences.
Use an effective structure that smoothly and logically guides the reader from one idea to the next. Include a range of transitional words and expressions where appropriate.
Have thoroughly edited your paper. Adhere to MLA format, length requirement, grammar, and sentence structure. Include a proper Works Cited page.
Thoughtfully and eloquently conclude your discussion. Comment on the significance of your essay and the topic at hand. Consider “real world application” and/or personal connections in your general closure. How might this topic affect you later on once you are employed within this field? Should people continue to strive to be innovative within the field? Or can certain implemented (ethical) practices or strategies make a difference?
Include 5-7 credible outside texts—in a range of genres/types—and give the reader a brief summary of these sources. The writer has included at least one scholarly/academic source.
A strong, assertive voice and style will be considered here. Use first person (I/We) and third person (he/she/they) when appropriate. Maintain a formal, serious, and academic tone. Avoid wordiness and use present tense when discussing texts.

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