Analyze a state, federal, or global social welfare policy Essay Assignment Paper
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Analyze a state, federal, or global social welfare policy Essay Assignment Paper
Acker, Gila M. (2010). How social workers cope with managed care. Administration in Social Work, 34(5), 405–422.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved November 14, 2013, from
Concannon, L. (2009). Developing inclusive health and social care policies for older LGBT citizens. British Journal of Social Work, 39(3), 403–417.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
Assignment: Position Paper
Sometimes, during heated discussions and debates about social policy, the underlying reasons for the policy go unnoticed. Advocates and policymakers may become so committed to their perspectives and to winning the debates that they lose focus on the larger context surrounding an issue. The purpose of policy is to improve the lives and well-being of individuals and groups in our society. As you assume the role of a social work policymaker, consider the importance of keeping the needs and experiences of vulnerable populations at the forefront of your mind in your advocacy efforts. This can help to assure effective policy practice.
For this Assignment, you will analyze a state, federal, or global social welfare policy that affects an at-risk, marginalized, oppressed, underrepresented, or over looked group population. Finally, consider the impact of social policy from the perspective of the group you selected.
By Day 7
Assignment (5-7 double-spaced pages, APA format). In addition to a minimum of eight scholarly references, which may include electronic government documents and reputable websites, your paper should include:
A description of the current policy approach for addressing the social issue you selected
A description of the current policy goals for addressing the social issue you selected
A description of the population the current policy approach covers
An explanation of the funding levels for the current policy approach and whether they are sufficient to address the issue
An explanation of how this policy may affect at-risk, marginalized, underrepresented, overlooked, or oppressed populations. Identify a specific at-risk population.
An analysis of whether or not the policy meets the needs of the population groups most affected by the policy.
Recommendations for alternative policies that would address the gaps identified in the policy. Please be specific in recommendations.
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